Saturday, July 4, 2015

Pretty Little Liars-Pocket Letter

CreAted this super Awesome Pocket Letter todAy and just hAd to shAre. 
I know Alot of people don't wAtch the show, And mAy not understAnd. For those of you thAt Are PLL fAns I hope you love it. I hAd the ideA to swAp a PLL Pocket Letters with one of my crAfty friends becAuse she Also loves PLL.     

 I used my Cricut Explore Alot. I creAted A blAck hoodie svg file just for this. I wrApped twine Around A couple of them, for A fun wAy to shAre sAmples. The mini folder notebook wAs Also creAted with my Cricut. It fits perfectly in the pocket.  I print then cut all the A's they came out so cool. The sneAk peAk At the top is my fAvorite cArd.  I just cut out letters from mAgAzines.
The Shh.. cArd, wAs Also fun to make. I got the imAge off Google I reAlly wish I could thAnk the Artist.  I love thAt imAge. It wAs A pAin to fussy cut them All out but so worth  it.  Well that is All I reAlly wAnted to shAre.  If you hAve Any questions on this Pocket Letter or the products I used don't hesitAte to Ask. Sorry, no product list. 

ThAnks For Stopping By, 
          -Chris (A) 

P.S. If you would like the blAck hoodie file pleAse let me know. 

1 comment:

  1. It's awesome!!! I am in the same Pocket Letyer group with you. That's how I found the blog. I love PLL!!! I'm a binge watcher on Netflix!!!


CGC Challenge #264 ~ Fill in the blank - Pink_____

  The theme for this challenge is:  ~ Fill in the blank - Pink_____ ~ (hearts, candy, bows, flowers, etc.)   Our sponsors for this challenge...